
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

Category Archives: Books

Good/Bad/Indifferent things I’m reading

Where have all the editors gone?

Filed under: Books,General,Science Fiction/Fantasy— arlen@ 5:23 pm

This thought occured to me as I was reading Forge Of Heaven by C J Cherryh. I’m finding an annoying spelling error every dozen pages or so. And they all share a similar pattern: the substitution of one correctly-spelled, but wrong, word for the correct one. So far I’ve run into “what” (should have been […]

Sing A Song of Sixpence…

Filed under: Books,General— arlen@ 9:23 am

…Pocket Full Of Rye. The latest in my re-visit with Dame Agathe Christie (I’m going back through Christie, in rough chronological order, depending upon availability of the hardcovers in local used book stores). It’s a Jane Marple, from Christie’s nursery rhyme period. Characterization? Be serious, this is Christie; only minimal characterization allowed. The plots, of […]

Oh My

Filed under: Books,General,Science Fiction/Fantasy— arlen@ 12:53 pm

Teresa Nielsen Hayden points to an EBay auction that is almost heart-rending. Somebody who obviously has some trouble with self-editing is selling a manuscript, hoping to hit the Big Time financially. So far it appears he wants $150K(US), and the best offer he’s received as of the writing of this is a negative $698US (IOW, […]

Latest Reading

Filed under: Books,General— arlen@ 10:35 pm

This will be short and brutal, but, I’m sorry, I think that’s all this book deserves. Just finished A Sudden, Fearful Death, by Anne Perry. It’s a Wiiliam Monk novel, the first of the series that I’ve read. Also the last. The paperback was 439 pages long, of which a little over 50 were actual […]

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