
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

And While I’m on the Subject….

Posted on by arlen

I’ve rarely agreed with Rep. James Sensenbrenner; I was even upset when he became my congressman through redistricting.

But through his encounters with the Bush White House, I’m gaining some respect for the man. And my respect is harder to earn than my agreement. He voted against his party and his president when he refused to vote for a disaster aid bill because it lacked controls and accountability. And here we are, half a year down the timestream from then, and we’re finding out that the disaster aid money was, indeed, misappropriated, as much as $1.4 Billion (yes, that’s a not million but billion) didn’t go for what it was supposed to. And his insistence on calling a spade a spade (“path to citizenship”? = amnesty) in the illegal immigrant debate is refreshing in the world of spin that passes for political journalism.

I may not agree with you any more frequently, sir, but the next time we’re in the same watering hole, the first round’s on me.

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