
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

Eddies in the Stream

Filed under: General— arlen@ 4:58 pm

So how do we get him out? (Apologies to the shade of Douglas Adams.) Since making my “Professional?” comment, the daily spam level here has gone up 500%. No, I’m not making an accusation, simply stating a fact. There are several reasons for it, I just find it interesting when the flow current around me […]

Da Vinci

Filed under: Books,General,Mystery,Religion— arlen@ 10:45 am

I suppose I should mention something about the Da Vinci Code, as everyone else seems to be getting drawn in, so here I go. It’s a well-written thriller, in general, but the historical research is amazingly shoddy. As fiction, I’d give it a B, but if he submitted the “research” behind it as a term […]

Persistent little bugger

Filed under: General,Technology— arlen@ 6:59 am

Spam levels shooting up, nearing 1000/day, now. The walls are holding, but I should thank the little bugger, I suppose. It’s makiing it more worth my time to automate the defenses against his crap.


Filed under: General— arlen@ 11:39 am

OK, I’ll amend the spam numbers. I’ve just recieved nearly 200 insurance spams in the last half-hour. If the site goes down for a while, it’s because the server couldn’t take the load. He appears to have it set on auto-fire. I could suspect it’s malicious, but I’d prefer to think it was just stupidity.


Filed under: General,Web Design— arlen@ 8:58 am

Must be a definition of the term with which I’m unfamiliar… Nutshell: Blogger hires a designer. Designer creates new design. Blogger installs design, lauds designer. Designer Two does a “remix” and sends to blogger. Blogger likes some facets, announces he will “steal” them. Designer One announces on her blog she is resigning over this. She […]

May 2006
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