OK, I’ll amend the spam numbers. I’ve just recieved nearly 200 insurance spams in the last half-hour. If the site goes down for a while, it’s because the server couldn’t take the load. He appears to have it set on auto-fire.
I could suspect it’s malicious, but I’d prefer to think it was just stupidity.
Probably not malicious…at least not in the sense targeting you specifically. (I hold the opinion that spammers are by definition acting maliciously. eg: all spam is malicious.) I, too, have had spam numbers go up lately. Sometimes I’ll find over 100 identical spams in the spam filter. My guess is either the spambot is getting “stuck” at one URL or it’s been programmed to dump a certain number of spams at each stop on its internet tour. (Which would be malicious AND stupid.)
I was even hit with a SQL injection spam attack recently. A significant number of posts had “invisible” divs inserted into them with spam crapola hidden there.