
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

Why the BBC is Wrong

Filed under: General,Mystery— arlen@ 10:01 am

Here’s why the BBC is wrong in their current portrayal of Jane Marple. (For those who haven’t watched the new Miss Marple series, imagine a skinny Margaret Rutherford. No, I take that back; it’s a slander against Dame Margaret.) Their new actress has her loving murder mystery stories. Yes, that’s what turned me off about […]


Filed under: General— arlen@ 9:40 am

Now the spammers are using a hole in SCO’s website to attack me. Wonder if I could sue SCO over that? I’ll keep that thought in hand for the next time they decide to threaten to sue me over using Linux.

Question 1

Filed under: General,Questions— arlen@ 8:52 am

Is what you are doing right now enjoyable? If it isn’t, why are you doing it? If it’s necessary, why aren’t you enjoying it? This isn’t an argument for hedonism, BTW. It’s a question about attitudes.

Unpacking the Con

Filed under: General,Science Fiction/Fantasy— arlen@ 9:47 am

Just worked Program Ops for the recent NASFic, CascadiaCon, and I’m home, tired but happy. Starngely enough, I really like working conventions, and working with this group was a new experience, and a good one. Miriah and her support team from ISS worked heroically, and thanks largely to them I actually looked like I was […]

And Still They Come

Filed under: General— arlen@ 9:03 am

over 40 spams in the last 24 hours, with more piling up as I write. (Three hours after writing this we’ve topped 100.) NB: As of Sept 11, I’m seeing a full-fledged attack. None are getting through, but they’re delaying lots of other nice things I’m trying to do.

September 2005
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