
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

Nines and Out

Filed under: Books,General,Mystery— arlen@ 8:28 am

Just finished To The Nines by Janet Evanovich. The first and last book of the series (I did another in the sequence as abridged audio on my recent trip to Phoenix; I did the book to check the real series.) Evanovich has a way with dialogue. Her plots are more from the thriller genre than […]

Oops, I Did It Again

Filed under: General,Technology,Web Design— arlen@ 11:57 am

Released some software, that is. Haven’t done it for a couple of decades, and this time I used the GPL rather than my old “Baen Convention” tag. (Yes, that’s not a typo for “Berne Convention.” I christened it in honor of the grand fellow I stole it from, Jim Baen, the SF editor. While editor […]

Does Poker Kill Braincells?

Filed under: General— arlen@ 7:05 am

I wonder if the people who play poker are as stupid as the spammers who advertise poker sites?

The New Oxymorom

Filed under: General,Politics— arlen@ 8:15 am

I’ve been watching the political commentators, and I’ve just realized we have a new oxymoron in town. It used to be the definitive oxymoron was “military intelligence.” (A phrase that still brings a smile to all of us ex-mil types, as we know the oxymoron intimately.) But I think a new one has just appeared: […]

A Brew-Up in the OSCMS Arena

Filed under: General,Technology,Web Design— arlen@ 1:43 pm

Those who have paid attention to me for a while (and I thank both of you) know my opinion of the Content Management System segment, commercial or open source. While nothing is excellent, or even good, for that matter, I did have hopes of one open source project, in particular, growing up to be something […]

September 2005
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