OK, so you’ve seen what I have to say about Mambo/Joomla. The only other CMS I’m inclined to try is Drupal (I once wanted to test Xaraya, but they’ve backed off their original excellent design aims, it appears).
So I’ve done a test installation of it. The install went fairly smoothly, but there was nothing automatic about it. Every step was manual. Soon after installing it, I got bored with the limited set of modules I had, so I went after more.
First impression: More flexible than Mambo/Joomla, and the price for the flexibility is that considerably more technical expertise is involved. Unlike M/J, Drupal supports a templating engine that will let me create any kind of page design I desire. But it takes more knowledge to do that.
I’m still maintaining my connection with Joomla, but I’m going to keep experimenting with Drupal. When I’ve climbed the learning curve farther, I’ll know more.