And Still They Come
over 40 spams in the last 24 hours, with more piling up as I write.
(Three hours after writing this we’ve topped 100.)
NB: As of Sept 11, I’m seeing a full-fledged attack. None are getting through, but they’re delaying lots of other nice things I’m trying to do.
I had a lot of problems with spam earlier this year. The blacklist didn’t help, but I added the Bad Behavior plug-in and that cut the spam down to one a month, instead of dozens a day. Recommended it to another blogger who also had excellent results. See:
I’ve a different set-up on The Chessmill, and when I get around to it I’ll try to implement it here (I don’t know what I can put in an .htaccess file on this server). But I’ve noted a pattern. I think my best defense against spam is to post here more frequently. It seems the spammers show up with increasing frequency if I’ve been too busy to post with regularity. Since I’ve been busy since early August with work, the US Open, and CascadiaCon I haven’t had much time to post here, so the spammers have begun to start posting again. Now that I’ve started posting, the spamming is beginning to slow down.