
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

Drupal Complaint

Filed under: General,Web Design— arlen@ 9:42 am

Continuing the journey, I run aground. Have just hit a complete showstopper while evaluating Drupal as a CMS. True, I only discovered it when testing the Event Module, but the deficiency infects every drupal module I’ve seen. They make no differentiation between the ability to create a content item and the ability to publish it. […]


Filed under: General,Web Design— arlen@ 9:50 am

OK, so you’ve seen what I have to say about Mambo/Joomla. The only other CMS I’m inclined to try is Drupal (I once wanted to test Xaraya, but they’ve backed off their original excellent design aims, it appears). So I’ve done a test installation of it. The install went fairly smoothly, but there was nothing […]


Filed under: General,Mystery— arlen@ 9:42 am

OK, sonow I’ve seen a few episodes of the TV series based on Kathy Reichs’ books, what do I think? Ick. First, ifyou’re expecting to see anything resembling the books, you’ll be disappointed. This Tempe Brennan also a Forensic Anthropologist, but that’s where the resemblance ends. This one seems to go out of her way […]

Oh, brother!

Filed under: General,Technology— arlen@ 8:54 am

The Irony of Design

Filed under: General,Web Design— arlen@ 7:28 am

Have in front of me Creative Computing’s guide to Dreamweaver. Someday, perhaps, I’m going to read it. Not because someday I’m going to use Dreamweaver; I own a copy of it now and work with it on an occasional basis. I bought the book in a hurry one day because I’d expected to use the […]

September 2005
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