The dilution of a word
I know, it’s foolish to think of the Sci-Fi Channel as actually accurate, but I’m really getting depressed over the number of times the term “science fiction” is abused. The latest instance apparently includes horror and fantasy.
This is just silly. I suspect, however, it just is keeping in step with the general erosion of our societal attitude toward truth and facts. “Science Fiction” used to mean “no supernatural effects need apply.” The premises of a science fiction story had to be either demonstrable as fact, or at least possible/probable given what we know.
We have relaxed our collective definition of truth. It used to mean, “that which we can prove.” It now appears to mean “that which we cannot disprove.” There is a large distance between those two points that we have leaped, without good reason. I hope someday we recover our senses, before it’s too late and we’re lost.