
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

Now playing

Filed under: General— arlen@ 1:18 pm

“Patient 2946065” Carla Ulbrich, if I wasn’t happily married, you’d have yourself a stalker. Anytime your touring takes you to the frozen north, give a holler. Beatutiful, smart, and she plays guitar better than I do. If you’ve not experienced her music, you’re far the poorer for it. And, this just in for you Poddies, […]

How quaint

Filed under: General— arlen@ 12:37 pm

At least the spammers are getting erudite, or feigning it. Now I’m under assault by a spammer who is peppering his posts with either an aphorism (found via dictionary-style lookup fromthe post’s subject) or a full paragraph of pseudo-intelligent babble. Heck I was almost willing to cut the poker reference from a couple and then […]

Where Am I?

Filed under: General,Web Design— arlen@ 9:04 am

I’m a member of two web development mailing lists (which two I won’t specify, the identity isn’t necessary to the tale) but I haven’t posted to either list often of late; in fact I think it’s been a year since I was heard from on one. Why? I was arguably among the most active on […]

Generalization: I hate the suburbs

Filed under: General,Politics— arlen@ 9:53 am

Well, maybe “hate” is too strong a word. Let’s go for “dislike”; perhaps even “feel contempt for.” I deal with a mixture of city kids and suburban kids. True, some of the city kids can be a problem. But they don’t hold a candle to the suburban ones. once they learn the rules, most of […]

Radio’s Talking Heads are happy

Filed under: General,Politics— arlen@ 9:18 am

Local Talk Radio mavens are happy: For weeks (months) they’ve been howling with rage because our local police force hadn’t arrested someone for slashing some Republican tires on election eve. Even though no evidence whatsoever was brought forward in support of the claim, it was trumpeted as Siginificant Vote Tampering, rather than simple vandalism. One […]

February 2005
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