is back to being in my control again. Now it’ll just take a day or so to get my blood pressure back under control, and we’ll be Ready For New Things. The business grows, and is about ready for some new capital investment. And most of the roadblocks in front of me are getting […]
Still no progress in getting It’s Our Domain And You Can’t Have It to cough up my domain. It really defies belief how people can operate this way and still remain in business.
I shall never do business with It’s Our Domain, excuse me, It’s Your Domain again. Getting them to do anything at all is like pulling teeth. I’m trying to move a domain, mine, that I bought and paid for two years ago, and they have locked it down and are insensitive to my attempts to […]
I can barely believe this was even raised as a potential issue. You choose in the child’s favor. End of story. If you can’t do that, and especially if you can’t do it without feeling resentful about it, then it’s long past time for you to suck it up, get over yourself, and seriously consider […]
OK, you know I’ve taken to bi-weekly reports on my visits to the land of organization. Today I have two major discoveries to report: a) Those TV shows cheat. They have a place to take everything out of the room to before bringing only the Right Things back into the room. Real people, like me, […]