
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

Event Calendars

Posted on by arlen

Been working with the Mambo event calendar, and its decidedly lacking. I’m going to look at “fixing” it (the words is in quotes, because I’m sure the developer team involved doesn’t think this particular part of it is broken) but I may not be able to and keep it compatible with the distribution version.

The problem is it will not allow events to be in multiple categories, which to me seems nothing short of silly. For example, this post is categorized as General, Technology (because it deals with computer software) and Web Design (because it deals with a component of a content management system — and if you’re just now joining, I’ve already made my opinion known in prior posts that all CMS’s, Open Source and propreitary/closed, suck; feel free to check the archives for some discussion on the subject).

Events on a calendar should also be allowed to be found in multiple categories. Alas, I suspect the design of this compenent rests upon the design decision that all events must belong to one, and only one, category. If I’m wrong, I’ll note it, but if I’m right, before I go out and reinvent the wheel, anyone know of one that doesn’t insist on such a silly constraint? It’s a pain to have to enter the same information in multiple categories.

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