And, with the previous post, you’ll note that I’ve now discovered how to turn my long essays into short snip plus “read more”. My apologies to my readers up to this point for my stupidity. The front page will from this point on, look less imposing, I promise.
I’m going to start getting into this topic a bit more, because, frankly, I’m tired of hearing about it from the mushy-minded who believe everything they’re told, as long as it’s derogative of the Bible: “xxx (name your favorite idea) was dropped from the Bible because the church leaders were hostile to it.” Let’s talk […]
…thy name is Peter Paul Koch. His recent article in A List Apart on script triggers contains a concept that is nothing whatever short of brilliant! It’s one of those ideas I Wish I’d Thought Of, and if I had, I’d have spent the rest of the day congratulating myself over it. Well done, lad. […]
one of the silliest spammers I’ve met. A long list of drug websites and “Don’t like us posting in your blog? Email me at xxxx.” This message is silly on so many different levels: 1) Name one person who does like it when idiots post comments which are nothing but a string of URL’s having […]