Well, maybe “hate” is too strong a word. Let’s go for “dislike”; perhaps even “feel contempt for.” I deal with a mixture of city kids and suburban kids. True, some of the city kids can be a problem. But they don’t hold a candle to the suburban ones. once they learn the rules, most of […]
Local Talk Radio mavens are happy: For weeks (months) they’ve been howling with rage because our local police force hadn’t arrested someone for slashing some Republican tires on election eve. Even though no evidence whatsoever was brought forward in support of the claim, it was trumpeted as Siginificant Vote Tampering, rather than simple vandalism. One […]
The older I get, the faster time seems to pass. Why is that, do you think? Is it because as the pile of minutes behind me grows, each new minute that arrives represents an ever-decreasing fraction of my life? When I was 10, the next year represented 10% of my life. When I was 50, […]