
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

When will they ever learn?

Filed under: General— arlen@ 8:08 am

Comment spam assault underway. They’ve really got to think I’m stupid if they think what they’re trying right now is going to work. I don’t know if they think if they fill the air with missiles, one has to make it through or what, but it seems like they test it with one or two, […]

An Endorsement

Filed under: General,Religion,Theology— arlen@ 11:36 am

Went out to see Josh McDowell speak Thursday night. Have to admit a little trepidation: listening to one man speak for three hours can be daunting. But the time flew; the man is good at what he does. He spoke of a thing he calls Relationship Apologetics, the main idea of which is that it’s […]

A tale of two companies

Filed under: General,Technology,Web Design— arlen@ 10:12 am

I started the domain transfer process with more than sufficient time to complete it before the expiration date. 1) The domain was locked against transfer. I have no recollection of receiving notice of this, nor can I find any evidence of it anywhere in my email logs, which go back 2 years or more. (I’m […]

Talk Radio

Filed under: General,Politics— arlen@ 8:50 am

Now I note the darling of the talk radio jocks (I need hardly preface that with “right-wing”, do I? It seems redundant these days to do so) for AG is under investigation for misconduct. The same Jocks, when the current AG screwed up, went on the warpath for weeks, even months. A good case could […]

Elizabeth Burmaster, leave me alone!

Filed under: General,Politics— arlen@ 2:38 pm

Ah, yes, I hear the sound of an election approaching. I can tell because my phone’s ringing. Three times in the last 18 hours, Elizabeth Burmaster has called me (no let’s be fair, twice it was a recording of her, the third time it was a recording of Herb Kohl urging me to vote to […]

February 2005
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