Dead Man’s Folly
I’ve gotten behind on writing about the books, haven’t I?
In this one Dame Agatha’s favorite avatar, Ariadne Oliver, calls Hercule Poirot to come party because she thinks something is wrong. They have their usual discussion about women’s intuition, and, sure enough, someone dies.
The story is her usual good puzzle, though definitely not prime Agatha. (Of course, once you’ve tumbled onto her tendencies, you can pick out the killer, but that’s cheating. Stick to following the clue trail.) It comes from the mid 50’s, a prolific period for her, even if the quality of the period is adversely affected by the quantity.
Party begins, famous writer Ariadne Oliver on scene to write the clues for a Murder Hunt. The Girl Guide who was playing the part of the victim in the hunt is found dead. The Lady of the House vanishes after her brother, whom she fears, arrives in his yacht.
Dame Agatha was the Queen Of The Cozies. This book, while not of the mettle that defined her greatness, is still a good puzzle.