
Good. Evil. Bratwurst.

Hacking into Joomla 1.5

Posted on by arlen

Managed to clear most of the table cruft out of 1.5, only the content component to go. That one will be non-trivial but possible, nonetheless. I’ve been wrestling with a view other ideas along the way.

The first is a question born out of frustration: Why do I have to do this? The Joomla developers built in a way to remove tables from some of the pieces, and then created an override capability so someone like me can do the rest without having to hack the core. OK, but since they clearly know this is desirable (this is derived from the fact that most of the pieces have a simple argument on the load call to eliminate the tables) why haven’t they gone whole hog with it, and provided that capability built-in, rather that force me to provide it myself?

The second is more personal: Since I’m having to override so much of Joomla’s output, anyway, how much do I want to stay with their classes (“contentpaneopen”, “contentpaneheader”, etc.) rather than restructure the output completely into something that makes more semantic sense? Lots of work, yes, but then I get output that I can feel better about signing my name to. I haven’t decided yet if the effort is worth the reward.

The way I see it, the issues are:

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